The Charts

The most immediately useful charts are those where the data shows a close correlation with price peaks—especially those that tend to occur every four years and in November/December, eg Nov 2013 and Nov 2017. For example, Short Term Holder Supply (STH Supply) has always peaked when there has been a major price peak.

The implication is: if we watch STH Supply, we get “advance warning”, or at least strong support, that a price peak might be developing.

The first group of charts are in this category: they offer strong support for price peaks.

The other charts are not so definitive, but offer decent support in one way or another, enriching the information we have. Some, for example, might show “We are at NOT near a top yet”, which can be useful information if other charts are showing we might be.

Judging the charts is an art and one, in my view, it’s worth getting good at.

Each chart page tells you what I think the chart is good for – and it’s meant mainly as a reminder for myself. But if you find these useful too, great.

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